There is still left for Financial Derivatives midterm test which will be held after the midterm break. Now, midterm break is begins. But, this semester of 1 week break seems like not a break for me (perhaps just break from no need going to class). I have tonne of assignments which are pending for quite a long time. I shall fully use my 1 week of break to settle my assignments + FYP.. Seriously, I have to settle all that assignments or else I will be killed by someone for keep delaying my works.. Aihz..
Actually, I'm just came back from drinking session with few of my friends. We are about very long time did not having drinking session because everybody is busy in this hectic semester. We went to Pillow Bar for drinking session and chit-chat session. Although we're meeting almost everyday, but still we have a lot of topic to chat. We headed to the next station, which was the Limbongan drink station since few peoples were hungry. Again, our table become the focus table when our "laughing volume" managed to attract some of the tables around us~ Nice outing with u guyz.. Few photos to be shared at the bottom of the post..
4.45am.. and I'm still update my blog.. I should have a nice sleep tonight due to few days continuous lack of sleeping hours. But, I choose not to sleep because I have a KL trip at 7am.. I go with the purpose of meeting my family over there.. This time, I'm going back hometown with my family.. So, to avoid any problems happen, I rather choose not to sleep and wait for the time to pass.. 2 weeks before I just came back from my hometown.. Now, is the time for me to back again.. Wahaha~ Miss my little home very much..
Last packing and final checking! Chaoz~
Waaa.....who want kill you just because of delay in assignment??? That must be an insane guy.....
Aihz.. Hopefully the one wont be so serious taking up knife and pointed to me..
GOD bless..
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