Monday, August 10, 2009

Bye, SC!

Finally, the day had come. 10-08-2009....

A date to remember... My senior colleague had end her service in ITS Management today. Reason is >>>> Deliver Baby soon!! It's quite sad.. But, she still have to leave.. SC is a hardworking and responsible worker. She is very focus when doing her tasks and did it very carefully.

She is a nice person. She willing to help all her colleagues (including me) when we facing difficulties in office. We will just shout for her name :"SC!!!" when we need help.. Haha! And she will guide and teach us patiently. For your information, SC is the most senior worker in the company. She had served for 7 years there. Imagine that people! Sometimes, she's funny as well... She had given me a cute nickname DORAEMON [influenced by LS!]... (LOL!) and she told me before, if she look at my face, she will feel to laugh... (Jahatnya!) :D

A note from Goh (SC call me Goh) to SC,

"SC, 10.08.2009 is your last day in ITS. Firstly, I would like to thank you for guide me, motivate me, and correct me to the right way since my 1st day of internship up to today. Really appreciate that very much! Secondly, Goh would like to apologize if I had make / say something that hurt you / make you feel uncomfortable.. Trust me, I'm not mean that.. Finally, wish you deliver a cute + healthy baby ya.. Do take care always and we will miss you! You'll always in our heart!"


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Influenza A (H1N1)

Penyakit Influenza A (H1N1) semaking menjadi-jadi pada masa sekarang. Kita boleh melihat di mana sahaja kita berada, tentu ada pihak yang menyentuh isu H1N1 yang telah menjadi buah mulut penduduk Malaysia. Kini, penyakit H1N1 di Malaysia telah sampai ke tahap yang membimbangkan dan telah meragut berpuluh-puluh nyawa.

Sejak akhir-akhir ini, di mana sahaja kita berada, ke mana sahaja kita pergi, kita akan melihat orang ramai mula memakai topeng mulut (mask)terutama di tempat-tempat orang ramai untuk menghindari daripada penyakit H1N1.. Memakai topeng mulut bukan lagi sesuatu yang pelik dan memalukan buat si pemakai, tetapi ia adalah untuk mengelakkan diri daripada jangkitan penyakit itu. Bak kata pepatah "Berjaga-jaga sebelum kena!"

Operasi di sekolah, kolej dan universiti juga terjejas akibat daripada H1N1. Kita dapat mendengar banyak sekolah di seluruh negara telah berhenti beroperasi selama seminggu kerana ada pelajar yang disyaki menghidap penyakit H1N1. Kolej dan Universiti juga mengalami situasi yang sama di mana pelajar UKM, UM, UPM (IPTA) juga disyaki positif H1N1.

Berikut adalah simptom dan tanda-tanda penyakit H1N1 terhadap manusia:
(a) Demam
(b) Batuk
(c) Sakit Tekak
(d) Selesema
(e) Sakit Kepala
(f) Cirit Birit dan Muntah
(g) Sakit Badan
(h) Berasa sejuk dan lesu

Jika anda ada simptom-simptom berikut, silalah berjumpa doktor dengan segera untuk mendapat rawatan selanjutnya. Anda mugkin penghidap penyakit Influenza A (H1N1)...

Nasihat kepada semua untuk menghindari penyakit H1N1...
(a) Mengelakkan daripada mengunjungi tempat-tempat orang ramai
(b) Membasuh tangan pada tahap yang paling sihat
(c) Dapatkan tidur yang secukupnya
(d) Makan makanan yang berkhasiat dan minum banyak air

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Supervisor's Visitation

I'm currently in the Week 10 of my industrial training. Week 10 will be an important week for all the internship students, because most of their supervisor will meet them up to discuss the student's progress during the internship period with their external supervisor.

MMU had assigned Ms. Ong Shuk Wern for the area of Plaza Pandan Malim. There are few students under Ms Ong, including me. On 3rd August 2009, Ms. Ong had came over all her students' workplace to discuss with her students and external supervisor regarding their performance and progress.

Ms. Ong had visited all my friends workplace before went to my workplace. My workplace was the last. Before went to my office, all of the students under Ms. Ong + Ms. Ong met up at Pizza Hut and we had our lunch at there. It was fun. It was a golden opportunity for all of us to gather and having lunch together since in a normal day, all of us have different time of lunch hour. All of us were busying sharing story related to our internship.

We finished our lunch at 1.15pm. It's the time to make a move. Ms. Ong went to our office to meet with my external supervisor, Mr. Chong, but unfortunately, he went out for his lunch. So, Ms. Ong had to wait for him to come back (Paiseh la, Ms. Ong).. Once Mr. Chong is back, 2 of them start to discuss about the "2 wei loon"... Gan (WL) and I were very worried about Mr. Chong evaluation and comment towards both of us to Ms. Ong. We really hope that he give positive feedback to Ms. Ong. They had spent about 20 minutes to discuss about us.

2-Loon interns in the same company (ITS)

After that, Ms. Ong leave the office with a big smile. I can guess the feedback that given by Mr. Chong to Ms. Ong. It looks positive. (Hopefully!) In the evening, I received a sms from Ms. Ong, saying that " Just to tell you, Mr. Chong had gave me a very positive comment to both of you. Great Job! Keep it up!"...