Sunday, May 30, 2010


有一個人 你會很想他每晚對你說‘ 晚安 ’。
有一個人 他不會主動和你聊天 但你會忍不住想和他聊天
有一個人 他永遠不知你在想他 但你卻滿腦子都是他

有一個人 你一上線就會去看他在不在.
不在就一陣失落 在 又不敢打擾他.

有一個人 他的狀態簽名只要一換你立刻胡思亂想 揣測不安

有 一個人 你線上只是在等他而他的頭像卻不會在你的MSN裏抖動

有一個人 你總是忍不住去看他的面子书

有 一個人 你會看他的最近來訪和留言
然後又胡思亂想 揣測不安

有 一個人 你一直在等他

有一個人 你真的好愛他
可是仔細一想 你到底愛他什麼?

有 一個人 你觉得他可能是你的永遠
但是他卻告訴你 你们只是彼此的過客

有一個人 你真的可以對他無條件付出
他卻不稀罕 對他來說 你只是負擔~

有一個人 你那麼那麼捨不得
他卻那麼隨意 灑脫 不在乎

有一個人 你總說着 要放下他了

有一個人 離開他的時候你装的若无其事
但是一轉身 早已淚流滿面

有一個人 你會在心裡默念著想見他
一秒也好 就算你在他心裡不存有任何位置了

有一 個人 你好想大聲告訴他
因為 你發現 你真的真的好爱他
无可救药 无法自拔 情不自禁
可是他不愛你了 這就是事實

那 個驕傲的你去哪里了?

刪掉了MSN帳號 一個人 在電腦前流淚
刪掉了手機號碼 一個人 在窗前神傷

以 後 再也不會期待

有那 麼一個人 真的讓你受傷了

“自私的人會快樂 我自私 所以我快樂”

嗯 再見了

我 那麼那麼愛你 我一點也不遺憾

值不值得 都不要緊

記得曾經有那麼一個人 愛過你

現 在我把愛情還給你 那你把我的驕傲還給我 好不好?





Friday, May 28, 2010

KS Group Outing

KS Group outing held the same day as my Banking Night. So, after my gathering with my coursemates in Banking Night, I had joined my KS Group Members for the sing K session at GoGo KTV. This outing could be considered as our KS Group last outing in Melaka before all of us separate with each other.

All members are singing happily and even some are posting the pattern like organizing a concert.. Ahaha~ Very funny... In the middle of the session, Kim Thor and I had picked a song entitled "I dont want to miss a thing" - AeroSmith and we are shouting crazily, not singing that song.. Anyway, it was a nice one~

We left GoGO KTV at 1.40am and we proceeded to our next station, Klebang beach for pillow talk session.. Before that, we had drive thru McD and bought some nuggets to feed our itchy mouth in the middle of the night. All of us chit chat, sharing the funny stories together, joking together and took photos together.. We enjoyed the night very much. The pillow talk session ends at 4am..

To all my KS Group Members, I'm glad to become 1 of the member in this group.. U all really "KS".. No "KS", life will be bored and colorless.. Ahaha~ Appreciate the time we spent together yea :) All d best in the future and do keep in touch .. Friendship Forever!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Banking & Finance Night 2010

Our last exam for the last trimester was on 13th May 2010. At night, Banking and Finance students had organized "Banking & Finance Night 2010" at Shibaraku. The purpose of this night is to have a last gathering among banking and finance students and lecturers before all of us separate with each other and enter into next stages of life.

The night attended by roughly 60 students and 5 lecturers. The night not only to fill in our empty stomach, but also chit-chatting among friends and lecturers, sharing opinions and jokes around and most importantly, took lots and lots of photos. Due to the limited space of the shibaraku restaurant, all of us have to sit separately and have to move around to reach our friends who sit at different tables.

At here, I would like to thanks to Vincent, Christopher and Kim Leng for successfully organized this banking and finance night. Without their hardwork and planning, this night would not be able to successfully organize. Thanks would also goes to the 5 lecturers who sacrificed their time to join us for the banking night. Hope all of you enjoyed yourself during that night...

To all my Banking and Finance coursemates, take good care and all d best in future career life.. Keep in touch and friendship forever!

Photos taken as below:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Goodbye MMU...

Everything has come to an end..
Completed my tertiary study in MMU Melaka..
The 4 years duration flows very fast..
2006-2010.. FOSEE --> FBL..
Study, Play, Joke, Enjoy, Assignment, Test repeatedly for 4 years..
Satisfied with it..

Time struck 4.30pm on 13th May 2010.. The last paper in my Uni..
Financial Derivatives.. The hardest subject in my Degree life..
It ends peacefully..
Expected some peoples will shout crazily, but it was not..
Happy and sad feeling mixed around..
Happy because finished the study..
Sad because have to seperate will all my uni buddies..

My life in Uni from 2006-2010..
Many sweet and sour memories..
All will be frame it up...
The moment of gathering, sharing, smiling, outing etc....
Appreciated it all..
The moment with all my buddies.. A very happy moments..

Glad to enter into PM09 in 2006 as FOSEE student..
Had known few of pattern kaki.. A few to name..
Josh, Kenny, Nicholas, Allen, Stanley, Alex, Yalu...
My gal buddies, Jaslynn,Gracie, Steffi and Jessica..
Friendship Forever yea.. :)

2007, stepped myself into Banking and Finance..
A big class.. First time having class with so many peoples..
CLCR 0001.. Kinda pressure.. Ahaha~
Get to know more and more friends after that..
Start to love myself and my friendliness..
If not, I going to be lonely in class.. LOL..

Degree new life..
Make new friends.. Is a must.. We stick to each other for 3 years..
Thanks to YuYu, Jaslynn, Eunice, Mei Kee, Ching Ching, Sze Peng, Joanne, De Kai, Indah and Soo Yee for giving a nice memories in degree life..
The moment we're together.. So precious..
Appreciate our friendship yea..

Next to my KP and pattern buddy, Johnson Lim, Stanly Gan, ChunWei Lau and Kim Thor..
Thanks for colour up my life..
I was glad to know all of you..
Is my honour sincerely..
Hope our brotherhood maintain forever yea..

Choon Wei, Hui Chyi, Wingee, Vincent, Peggie, Kang Lee, Yen San, Cynthia, Stella, Seng Tat.......
You all are funny at sometimes..
I will self-laugh once think back u all's pattern..
A great memories when we are together..
I'm proud to be your friend...

To the rest of my friends, thanks for everything..
I appreciate and happy to know all of you..
Keep in touch and all d best in the future life..

To all my lecturers and tutors, thanks for everything during my uni life..
I won't forget all of you..
U guide me, U teach me, U assist me..
From the beginning till the end..
Appreciate it very much....

Take good care ya all~