There is always good and bad when too active in the Uni life.. Finally, I feel the "busy-ness" of handling too many activities in this trimester. There is a total of 4 post I handling in the class activities (Project event) and co-curiculum activities (Badminton Club).
1. Assistant Director of Sports Affair DivisionThis coming weekends of week 6, Sports Affair Division will organize a "TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP" to all MMU students and staffs. So, I have to prepare many things for this event + meeting + care for the booth.
2. Special Task Division Director of MMU MASTER 2009My role in this division is more when the event day (11, 12, 17, 18 and 19 of April 2009). As for now, only helping around other division and writting letter for some department to request for certain things, such as PA system, Walkie Talkie etc. Besides that, have to send letters to all University (IPTA and IPTS) in Malaysia to inform them about this event.
3. Division Head of Web Design and Multimedia DivisionThis semester, my Islamic Banking and Finance will organize an event on 1,2,3 of May 2009. This event includes Bazaar (Investment class's event), Exhibition and Conference/Forum. So, my division is to create website for this event and do some flash video to play when the day of Conference.
4. Assistant Head of Sponsorship Group (IBF 0809)As well informed that we going to have an event, so, this event wouldn't work without money right? So, all of the division leader are seperate into 4 groups of sponsorship to raise fund for our event. We have to find as much as we can la...
5. Member of Public Relations (Investment Class event)All student who are taking Islamic Banking and Finance and Investment student are required to join 2 side of this event's member. But, as for now.. This division haven't distribute any task for their members.
For your information, today I went for finding Sponsorship under MMU MASTER 2009 event. There is a lot of event need to find sponsor, and I would say I might have to involve in finding sponsor for every week with different event.
There are 2 meetings waiting for me later on :
(i) 6.30pm Sports Affair Division Meeting
(ii)8pm MMU MASTER meeting...
Again, here comes the important of time management.. I will have my first mid-term examination on this coming wednesday and have not prepare for it.